
Bring order to chaos

OpenTable gives you full control over your availability, so you can maximize each shift.

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Large party

Meet your
full potential

Control availability with ease

You’re in charge of when and how you show up to guests on OpenTable.

  • Set different booking rules for the beginning, middle, and end of each shift.
  • Control the flow of your dining room with reservation cover pacing.
  • Put as many or as few seats online as you want—the choice is yours.

We’ve really enjoyed the higher level of control, and we’ve definitely seen an increase in reservations from the way that we tweaked our settings.

Ben Rogers, Floor Manager
The Promontory
Chicago, IL

Crowd control

Set limits and rules for large parties to keep your kitchen and servers from getting slammed.

  • Whether it’s 6 or 16, you can define what a “large party” means for your restaurant with custom large party controls.
  • Decide when to accept large parties and when not to.

Meet your full potential

New table types allow you to offer more of your seats online, while setting the right expectations with guests.

  • Make your bar, counter, high-tops, and patio seats reservable online and increase covers while delighting guests.
  • Increase check averages (and tips) by serving more full meals at the bar.
  • Avoid having an empty bar by filling it with online bookings.

Learn more about table types

OpenTable gives managers total control over availability

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