Get discovered by people eager to book

1.7B guests seated

at restaurants each year with OpenTable (yes, that’s a B!)

879M searches made by undecided diners

looking to discover restaurants on OpenTable

Attract guests who go out and show up

OpenTable diners dine out more often and show up for their reservations more than the average diner—they’re the guests you want in your restaurant. Plus, they only review after they’ve actually dined at a restaurant.

Frequent diners

OpenTable diners dine out 1x/week or more.

Reliable guests

OpenTable reservations have a no-show rate that is lower than phone reservations.

Verified reviewers

Reviews on OpenTable can only be left once diners have dined, to the tune of more than 120 million reviews by verified OpenTable guests.

Decide if and when to fill seats with industry-leading tools you control

Jump the line when you need to

Jump to the top of OpenTable search with Boost or Bonus Points Marketing Campaigns that get you more exposure, kick-start demand, and fill your tables with guests from our vast diner network.

Use Experiences to capture diner demand

Create, market, and manage your Experiences with our network of millions who are actively looking for unique dining options.

Track your marketing ROI

Use tracking and insight features to know the return on investment with your OpenTable marketing spend—we’re confident you’ll like what you see.

Trust our built-in marketing team

Opt-in to display ads, social media marketing, and more (even out of home!)—there’s an entire marketing team working for you.

Learn how to attract new customers to your restaurant

Join OpenTable’s restaurant network and get discovered by eager guests looking to book unforgettable dining experiences. Explore our related blog posts for expert insights on leveraging marketing campaigns, capturing diner demand with Experiences, and tracking the ROI of your OpenTable marketing efforts.


The value of an OpenTable profile

Get inspired by examples of great restaurant profiles and find ways to improve yours.


How to get more eyes on your OpenTable profile

Get discovered by the diner network with people who dine out more often and are eager to book. 1.7 billion guests are seated each year with OpenTable.


How to spread the word you’re open for business on OpenTable and beyond

Here, we’ve compiled the most effective, low-cost ways to get yourself on the radar again (or for the first time). It’s a lot more doable than you might think.

Decide if and when to fill seats with industry-leading tools you control

Jump the line when you need to

Jump to the top of OpenTable search with Boost or Bonus Points Marketing Campaigns that get you more exposure, kick-start demand, and fill your tables.

Use Experiences to capture diner demand

Create, market, and manage your Experiences with our network of millions who are actively looking for unique dining options.

Track your marketing ROI

Use tracking and insight features to know the return on investment with your OpenTable marketing spend—we’re confident you’ll like what you see.

Trust our built-in marketing team

Opt-in to display ads, social media marketing, and more (even out of home!)—there’s an entire marketing team working for you.