OpenTable sets the bar for powering up your hospitality

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OpenTable sets the bar for powering up your hospitality

Welcome to the most complete, easiest-to-use, and truly reliable restaurant platform out there

Run smoother shifts

With the all-in-one solution to maximize seatings and setup your operations for success, be they big or small.

Get butts in seats

With the diner network and industry-leading tools to bring in more guests when you need them.

Turn guests into regulars

With top customer management tools that help you serve up the best hospitality possible and keep guests coming back.

Create and sell dining experiences

With the ability to manage and monetize a full range of experiences, all in one place.

Count on the best customer service in the business

Fast, comprehensive support in over 240 languages, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so that you can get back to doing what matters—welcoming guests and running your business.

Access the world’s largest network of valuable diners

OpenTable’s network of diners go out at least once a week and spend 24% more per person than walk-ins on average—and OpenTable restaurants serve over 1.7 billion of them per year.

Gain real insights into how your business measures up

Vast diner and restaurant networks give us industry insights others can only dream of—benefit from data-driven resources and insights, from guides covering macro trends to dining stats from your neighborhood and benchmark reporting.

Let’s do this