Grow your restaurant’s revenue

Get your business out in front of our diner network of millions, and drive more bookings—and revenue—with us.

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Grow your restaurant’s revenue

Get your business out in front of our diner network of millions, and drive more bookings—and revenue—with us.

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Get more exposure

Extend your reach and attract diners at the moment they’re searching on OpenTable.

Get more exposure

Extend your reach and attract diners at the moment they’re searching on OpenTable.

Boost campaigns

Get more eyes on your restaurant and drive more bookings by running boost campaigns

Targeted campaigns

Target specific diners, such as first-timers or same-day bookers to fill up slower days, shifts, or cancellations using targeted campaigns

Bonus points

Motivate loyal OpenTable guests to book off-peak times by offering them up to 10X their reward points using Bonus Points

Get discovered by people eager to book

1.7B guests seated

at restaurants each year with OpenTable (yes, that’s a B!)

879M searches made by undecided diners

looking to discover restaurants on OpenTable

Drive more revenue

Diversify your revenue streams by offering easy online and in-app takeout ordering and payments.

Get discovered

Get discovered by the OpenTable diner network – the portion of diners ordering takeout 1x/week (or more) increased 72% this spring, based on our diner survey

Manage takeout hours

Manage your takeout hours independent from reservations to maximize your takeout window

Low service fees

Pay only a low 2% service fee + credit card processing fees

Tell us about your restaurant business

A member of our team will reach out shortly to discuss your needs and if you’d like, give you a platform demo

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“I don’t know any restaurant that doesn’t need help getting more business at some point. That’s the way it works in the real world. And that’s where OpenTable comes in.”

Jeffery Bank
Alicart Restaurant Group

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Let’s do this

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