Hear directly from Little Betty Steak Bar.
CEO, Little Betty Steak Bar
Revival Restaurant Group
Mountain Brook, AL
CEO, Little Betty Steak Bar
Revival Restaurant Group
Mountain Brook, AL
OpenTable serves over 60K restaurants, bars, wineries, and other venues worldwide
Diners seated through OpenTable annually1
Reviews left by OpenTable diners globally since inception2
60K restaurants, bars, wineries, and other venues worldwide1
Diners seated through OpenTable annually2
Reviews left by OpenTable diners globally since inception3
As an OpenTable account executive, Meredith Miller is dedicated to understanding each restaurant’s unique needs and delivering tailored solutions. Her favorite OpenTable feature? SmartAssign—a powerful tool that helps restaurants maximize seating and optimize table assignments in real-time.
Meredith’s dream dinner guest: Michelle Obama
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1 Based on OpenTable global online seated reservations for 2023
2 Based on OpenTable verified global review data in 2023
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